I am so glad you’re here and so excited that I get to connect with you!


A Little Bit About Me

Welcome to Natalie Jeanne Art! I am so glad you’re here. I am Natalie.

My biggest passion in life that fuels all my work is for people. I studied International Cultural Studies at BYU-Hawaii with emphases in Anthropology and Peacebuilding. While attending college I worked on the department chair’s team as a project manager over several peacebuilding projects on campus and in the community. I taught Arbinger Workshops on how to see people as people in order to resolve conflicts in our lives and marriages. I also worked as the assistant Title IX coordinator my senior year. After college I worked in the social work field with children who were at risk of being removed from their homes, at a domestic violence shelter as a Women’s advocate, as a youth soccer trainer and coach for over 75 children, and owned my own small jewelry business. My dream job after my littles no longer need so much of my attention, is to get a MA and be a Licensed Professional Counselor.

My Core Belief

The truth that I hold above all other truths is that every human is valuable just for being, and every human is worthy and deserving of love and respect. My heart's mission is to contribute to a world where every individual feels this way about themselves and about those around them. I hope that the art I create speaks worthiness, love and power to your soul. That is my goal.