"Grounded" Fine Art Print

from $25.00



I asked The Mother how to be more grounded.

She pointed to my feet

and said "grow your roots deep

Into Mother Earth,

And know

that you are rooted in Me."

Roots sprung forth from my soul through my soles

Rushing into Her nourishment

reaching into every corner of Her being.

"Don't be afraid of taking up too much space in me."

She said,

"There is no such thing.

I am expansive,

I am abundance,

I hold all that you need.

The deeper your roots, the less you'll giveaway and sway to

The winds that try to blow you away from

The knowledge of

Whose dust it was from whence you came.


That you are my seed

And you are meant to grow just like me;

As tall,

As wide,

As deep,

As grand,

as the trees."

-Natalie Nazer Cosby


- 1-2 week processing time

- Museum quality Giclée Print

- Made to last 100 years

- additional 1" white boarder surrounding selected print size (Please let me know if you want to eliminate the boarder)

- Custom sizes and canvases my be available upon request

- 15% of all proceeds go towards organizations doing good.


- 4"x6" Print of artist statement

- Hand written thank you note

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I asked The Mother how to be more grounded.

She pointed to my feet

and said "grow your roots deep

Into Mother Earth,

And know

that you are rooted in Me."

Roots sprung forth from my soul through my soles

Rushing into Her nourishment

reaching into every corner of Her being.

"Don't be afraid of taking up too much space in me."

She said,

"There is no such thing.

I am expansive,

I am abundance,

I hold all that you need.

The deeper your roots, the less you'll giveaway and sway to

The winds that try to blow you away from

The knowledge of

Whose dust it was from whence you came.


That you are my seed

And you are meant to grow just like me;

As tall,

As wide,

As deep,

As grand,

as the trees."

-Natalie Nazer Cosby


- 1-2 week processing time

- Museum quality Giclée Print

- Made to last 100 years

- additional 1" white boarder surrounding selected print size (Please let me know if you want to eliminate the boarder)

- Custom sizes and canvases my be available upon request

- 15% of all proceeds go towards organizations doing good.


- 4"x6" Print of artist statement

- Hand written thank you note



I asked The Mother how to be more grounded.

She pointed to my feet

and said "grow your roots deep

Into Mother Earth,

And know

that you are rooted in Me."

Roots sprung forth from my soul through my soles

Rushing into Her nourishment

reaching into every corner of Her being.

"Don't be afraid of taking up too much space in me."

She said,

"There is no such thing.

I am expansive,

I am abundance,

I hold all that you need.

The deeper your roots, the less you'll giveaway and sway to

The winds that try to blow you away from

The knowledge of

Whose dust it was from whence you came.


That you are my seed

And you are meant to grow just like me;

As tall,

As wide,

As deep,

As grand,

as the trees."

-Natalie Nazer Cosby


- 1-2 week processing time

- Museum quality Giclée Print

- Made to last 100 years

- additional 1" white boarder surrounding selected print size (Please let me know if you want to eliminate the boarder)

- Custom sizes and canvases my be available upon request

- 15% of all proceeds go towards organizations doing good.


- 4"x6" Print of artist statement

- Hand written thank you note